Hell is a nice island in the middle of the sea

Hell is a nice island in the middle of the sea
by Elias Hasapi

Why do spaniards eat so late?

The meal times of the spaniards are viewed with incredulity, if not clear misunderstanding by the rest of Europeans. When a German is going to eat at 12 noon, a Spanish can do it at two or three in the afternoon. Contrary to what many think, this is not an ancestral custom. It's actually a fairly recent practice. Traditionally lunch took place in Spain around one o'clock. However after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the economic situation of families heavily worsened and forced to householders to take a minimum of two jobs. Usually the base or main job was an 8 to 10 hours last. Since the salary earned was not enough to sustain family,   men  were forced - cause women was rarely allowed to work outside home - to take a second job, usually shorter. Also saturday was a working day.  Because the issue was to maximize the morning, workers  had a solid block of at least eight hours non-stop that shifted the timing of the meal a couple of hours laters. As an example, a worker X worked in a factory from 6 am to 2 pm,  took luch at 3 pm, and at four in the afternoon incorporated to a small machine shop where spent four more hours. If you look closely at the prevailing meal times for the last twenty or thirty years, showed a clear tendency towards early times for lunch. For example, in 1975 it was normal to eat at 3 pm and take dinner at 10 pm. Currently the luch is around two in the afternoon and dinner use to be before 9 pm, as latest. Probably in next years the meal times in Spain and the rest of western countries will match a lot more.
The meal times are not really a major issue. The important thing is to make five meals a day of decreasing importance. If we sleep 8 hours - that's what we should sleep - we have 16 hours of "activity". If we divide the 16 hours between five meals we find that we should eat every 3 hours and 12 minutes. All this of course is up to hours of business, school, etc. If breakfast is at 7 am, we should eat something around 10 h, take luch at 1 pm, lighter snack at 16 pm and dinner at 7 pm, as light as possible. 


Anonymous said…
Bullshit! Other Northern-European countries had two Jobs when their wars. It's a cultural thing due to the hot weather and therefore siesta tradition which postpone the activities.
Anonymous said…
Anon: fyi, not every spaniard person takes naps. In fact, I don't know any person who does that as a daily base. You're talking of them like the TV shows them; as lazy people with siestas, bulls and toreros everywhere. Please don't let the TV brainwash you, thanks :)

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