New book

Duchess potatoes

Patatas duquesa


A classic side dish, especially of meats and stews, that provides a very elegant presentation. They are not difficult to make and if you follow these steps you will get them crispy on the outside and soft on the inside without problems.

INGREDIENTS (4 people):

  • 600 grams (around 1.3 pounds, 4 medium sized pieces) of potatoes
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 50 grams (4 tbsp) of butter
  • Salt (half a tbsp)
  • Pepper

We cut the potatoes into pieces and boil them in salted water for about twenty minutes or until they are soft.

Once they are cooked, we pass them through the food processor and immediately add the butter in pieces and dissolve them in the dough. It should be easy because the same heat from the potato will melt the butter. Season with salt and pepper (the half tbsp seen in the ingredient's list).

Before the dough cools, we introduce it into the pastry bag with the nozzle that allows us to shape the whipped cream and which is often indicated "to make duchess potatoes". If we let the dough cool, it will be difficult for us to shape it with the pastry bag.

We preheat the oven to 200 degrees (390 F). On the baking tray or the rack - usually is better with the rack - we spread a baking sheet and place the piles of mashed potatoes enough separated in between.

We introduce the tray and in gratin mode we keep it between 5 and 10 minutes, or until they are lightly browned on the outside. Then we change to a normal oven and we keep them for 15 minutes.

We remove from oven and ready to accompany roasts, stews or even fish dishes.


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