Hell is a nice island in the middle of the sea

Hell is a nice island in the middle of the sea
by Elias Hasapi

Club Sandwich


If you don't know about Club Sandwich, it's because you've spent little time in business hotels, the kind where busy executives barely go just to sleep, often without even having dinner, having to ask to room service some snack to go to bed with something in the stomach. The other alternative is to raid the minibar until you realize, quite late, that a menu of crackers and toblerone is not the best for your health. 

Well, hotels that have room service tend to also have Club Sandwich and in the end you love or hate it for life. Although, seen with the distance of time, now it seems a good solution to fix a quick dinner.

INGREDIENTS (4 people):

  • 12 slices of sliced ​​bread
  • Lettuce (a dozen leaves washed and well dried, passed through absorbent paper or salad spinner)
  • 16 slices of ripe red tomato, without skin
  • 16 slices of crispy fried bacon
  • 16 slices of chicken or turkey cold cuts
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Mahonesa
  • Skewers that you can nail in the invention so that it does not disassemble

First we toast the bread in the toaster or in a frying pan over the fire. Not too much, it shouldn't be crispy like toast, just slightly browned.

We align three slices of bread, smearing one of the sides with a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

In the leftmost slice, first place a lettuce leaf on the area where we have spread mayonnaise, then two tomato slices and season to taste. Then we place the crispy bacon (two strips) and a slice of cold turkey or chicken on top.

We repeat the same operation with the second slice which, once finished, we take it over the first so that the cold cuts are facing upwards.

Finally, we close the sandwich by placing the third slice, with the mayonnaise on the side, on top of the cold meat from the second slice.

With a sharp knife we ​​cut diagonally this building from three slices of bread and so that it does not come apart we stick a flag or skewer through them in each half.

We repeat the operation with the rest of the bread slices until we get the four servings.

Keep in mind that when eating it, it is held tightly and the flag is removed.

It is usually served with pickles and chips, although if you request the sandwich from room service, don't even think about ordering the potatoes because who knows when they have been fried!


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