New book

Cod "a la llauna"

This recipe, typical of Catalan cuisine (northeast of Spain), is very simple to prepare.

INGREDIENTS (4 people) :

  • 1/2 Kg (1.1 lbs)  of salted cod
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of white wine
  • Wheat flour
  • Salt
  • Sweet paprika
  • Black pepper
  • Parsley

We will have previously desalted the cod for twenty-four hours in the fridge, changing the water at least twice. We take the desalted pieces and flour them to fry them later in very hot oil (be careful with splashes, since the cod is wet and the oil is hot, they can burn us easily!).

When the pieces are golden we remove them and reserve. In the oil that is still hot where we have fried the cod, add the two cloves of garlic cut into slices and let them brown. When this begins to happen, remove the pan from the heat. 

Pour the cup of wine and return to the heat so that the sauce is reduced by at least half. Remove again from fire and add half a teaspoon of sweet paprika, stirring. 

Then we place the cod on a tray that can go in the oven and cover it with the sauce. Sprinkle with chopped parsley, a little salt (be careful, cod is never completely desalted), a pinch of black pepper and bake at 180 degrees (356 F) for at least 5-10 minutes.

Serve it hot and enjoy !


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