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Lactonaise is the name given to mayonnaise made with oil and milk as main ingredients, that is, eliminating the egg. Hence the term, composed of "Lacto" (milk) and -naise (finishing for mayonnaise).

Egg can be substituted for milk due to the coagulating action of the proteins, which both products possess, in combination with the oil. Although milk has them to a lesser extent, the result is identical in terms of density as long as an electric mixer is used to accelerate the emulsion. Attempting to make lactonese with a hand stirrer would be exhausting and almost, if not impossible. On the other hand, making a conventional egg mayonnaise with rods would be feasible and not excessively tiring.

There are three reasons to make lactonaise:

  • Due to forgetfulness or having exceeded the expiration date, we do not have mayonnaise at home. You already know that when you need it most, you don't have it. On the other hand, having oil and milk, two basic products, is always more feasible.
  • Because someone in the house is allergic to eggs. Egg allergy is quite common, something we avoid with lactose.
  • Because we are afraid of salmonella. There is always the danger that the eggs may be contaminated. Since mayonnaise is not cooked, salmonella bacteria can be a serious hazard that we avoid by using lactonaise.

We are going to see how lactonaise is made, explaining a couple of important tricks.


  • Half a cup of sunflower oil (100 ml)
  • A quarter of cup whole cow's milk (50 ml)
  • a pinch of salt
  • Half lemon
  • strong mustard
  • Electric mixer (without it it is impossible to make lactonaise)

The proportion is always twice as much oil as milk. That is, if you want to make more quantity, just double the amounts indicated.

It is best to use refined sunflower or corn oils that provide little flavor. Try to avoid olive oil or other kinds of oils.

The milk does not matter if it is skimmed, semi or whole, it will coagulate the same, but the whole one gives the mayonnaise more density due to the fat it provides. That is the only reason that justifies the use. But if you want it less caloric, use the one you want.

First, pour the milk into the glass of the electric mixer. This is important. Oil should never precede milk.

Next, pour in the oil without mixing or stirring. Let it stay as it falls.

We introduce the mixer in the glass and, this is very important, without moving it at all and at low speed, we begin to mix both ingredients. Don't even think about moving it up and down. As is, resting on the bottom of the glass, we beat until it curdles. At that moment we can increase the speed - if we have a mixer with this function - and start moving it so that it is uniform. It is not necessary to use special blades to mount mayonnaise or similar things. Any mixer is valid, even if it has only one speed. The important thing is that you keep it still at first.

The result will be a sauce with the usual consistency of mayonnaise but for now quite tasteless. Then add salt (half a teaspoon should be enough), a tablespoon of lemon juice and if you like it a bit strong, a teaspoon of mustard. Check the taste and when the result is what you like, you will have your lactonaise that some even prefer over the usual egg. Nothing happens either if you do not have strong mustard or lemon, with salt and even pepper it can acquire a more than pleasant flavor.

Lactonaise can be used in the same way as common mayonnaise, without any limitation. I advise you to do it in small quantities because it cannot be keps for more than 48 hours.


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